Free Tossing Bouquet

We know how important tradition is during your big day, so we are offering you a free tossing bouquet with each bridal bouquet purchased.

The bouquet will still follow your colour theme and will incorporate a few beads etc to enhance it, but it gives you the opportunity to throw a bouquet whilst firmly holding on to your heirloom creation forever.

Please take a look at the sort of tossing bouquet that is availableImage

Free Tossing Bouquet

We know how important tradition is during your big day, so we are offering you a free tossing bouquet with each bridal bouquet purchased.

The bouquet will still follow your colour theme and will incorporate a few beads etc to enhance it, but it gives you the opportunity to throw a bouquet whilst firmly holding on to your heirloom creation forever.

Please take a look at the sort of tossing bouquet that is availableImage